Hello gorgeous! My name is Nancy McEwen and I am the founder and designer here at Studio Fortitudo.
I want to welcome you to our website and to the Fortitudo community. I hope you look around a bit and that you find something here that inspires you to live your best life!
As a young girl growing up in Winnipeg, I have always loved jewelry and making things with my hands. My girlfriends and I formed a beading club every summer. We used to spend our pocket change on glass vials of yellow and red seed beads and make beaded creations for the moms, sisters, and friends in our lives.
I always saw the value of the incredible women in my life and in the world. They were constantly giving so much to so many, and they inspired me to do the same.
I didn't really grow up being influenced by the feminist movement in a very big way, but I always knew that we, as women have great inherent strength and courage. We take the roles of caregivers, mothers, daughters, sisters, homemakers, business owners, heads of state and companies, and yet, we remain so committed to our families and friends, ageing parents and so much more. We do it all with grace and love.
What I often notice now though, is that many women aren't always committed to themselves. I have met many women both young and old that struggle to find their passions and are unsure of their own dreams and their purpose. Many women don't believe that they are able to achieve what they truly want in their lives.
I have been guilty of ignoring my intuition as well. I didn't recognize it as the sixth sense that I now know it is.
Combining my passions, I am now committed to designing elegant, classic, and empowering jewelry for women just like you with this important message.
Believe and trust in yourself, and realize how incredibly courageous you are.
If you're in a place where you feel like you want more in your life, but you're unsure, let me say, you can create everything you want.
It starts with your self-image, and your personal narrative.
When you set intentions, create new thoughts, and most importantly take inspired action, then things will start to fall into place for you.
Decide on your first best move, and go one step at a time.
Build your toolkit of personal power and trust.
Tune in to your intuition. Your life is always whispering to you.
Believe that you are mighty because you truly are!
I hope you find that our jewelry makes you feel this way; powerful, capable, and worthy. And, l hope that it helps you to create the thoughts and beliefs that will then allow you to build the life you dream about.
I'm behind you my friend.
Much love and support,